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Books with author Antoine Saint-Exupery

  • The Little Prince

    Antoine de Saint-Exupéry

    eBook (Strelbytskyy Multimedia Publishing, Feb. 5, 2019)
    The Little Prince (French: Le Petit Prince) – is an allegorical fable and the most famous work of Antoine de Saint-Exupery.It was first published in April 1943 by publisher "Reynal & Hitchcock" in both English and French. Saint-Exupery wrote the novella while living in New York City; a city he fled to after the occupation of his native France by Nazi Germany.The literary roots of the fable are based on the wandering plot of the rejected prince; while the emotional – on a child's view of the world.The story line is built around the travels of the Little Prince who hails from the tiny planet B-612. Gradually, his journey becomes not just the literal movement from planet to planet, but more of a way to discover life and the world.Thanks to Saint-Exupery's artistic methods, adult readers see in the fable, a transcript of a conversation of two old friends; while children get a vivid and easily understandable description of the world that surrounds them. Due mostly to these two factors, The Little Prince has achieved such high levels of recognition and popularity.
  • The Little Prince - Le Petit Prince

    Antoine de Saint-Exupery

    Hardcover (Eksmo, July 6, 1814)
  • Le Petit Prince

    Antoine De Saint-Exupery

    Hardcover (Harcourt, Brace & World, March 15, 1943)
  • The Little Prince

    Antoine de Saint Exupéry

    Paperback (Seaburn World Classics, June 29, 2015)
    A seaburn World Classic
  • The Little Prince: The Coloring Portfolio

    Antoine De Saint Exupéry

    Hardcover (Cernunnos, Oct. 11, 2016)
    Celebrate the magic, beauty, and philosophy of The Little Prince with this exclusive coloring book filled with 64 large black and white plates to color.
  • Petit Prince

    Antoine Saint-Exupery

    Hardcover (Houghton Mifflin (T), June 15, 1970)
    "..Lorsque j'avais six ans j'ai vu, une fois, une magnifique image, dans un livre sur la ForĂȘt Vierge qui s'appelait "Histoires VĂ©cues". Ça reprĂ©sentait un serpent boa qui avalait un fauve. VoilĂ  la copie du dessin. On disait dans le livre: "Les serpents boas avalent leur proie tout entiĂšre, sans la mĂącher. Ensuite ils ne peuvent plus bouger et ils dorment pendant les six mois de leur digestion". J'ai alors beaucoup rĂ©flĂ©chi sur les aventures de la jungle et, Ă  mon tour, j'ai rĂ©ussi, avec un crayon de couleur, Ă  tracer mon premier dessin. Mon dessin numĂ©ro 1. Il Ă©tait comme ça: J'ai montrĂ© mon chef d'oeuvre aux grandes personnes et je leur ai demandĂ© si mon dessin leur faisait peur.." Le Petit Prince est une Ɠuvre de langue française, la plus connue d'Antoine de Saint-ExupĂ©ry. PubliĂ© en 1943 Ă  New York simultanĂ©ment en anglais et en français, c'est un conte poĂ©tique et philosophique sous l'apparence d'un conte pour enfants. Le langage, simple et dĂ©pouillĂ©, parce qu'il est destinĂ© Ă  ĂȘtre compris par des enfants, est en rĂ©alitĂ© pour le narrateur le vĂ©hicule privilĂ©giĂ© d'une concep-tion symbolique de la vie. Chaque chapitre relate une rencontre du petit prince qui laisse celui-ci perplexe quant au comportement absurde des « grandes personnes ». Chacune de ces rencontres peut ĂȘtre lue comme une allĂ©gorie. Les aquarelles font partie du texte1 et participent Ă  cette puretĂ© du langage : dĂ©pouillement et profondeur sont les qualitĂ©s maĂźtresses de l'Ɠuvre. On peut y lire une invitation de l'auteur Ă  retrouver l'enfant en soi, car « toutes les grandes personnes ont d'abord Ă©tĂ© des enfants. (Mais peu d'entre elles s'en souviennent.) ». L'ouvrage est dĂ©diĂ© Ă  LĂ©on Werth, mais « quand il Ă©tait petit garçon ». Le narrateur: a) Le narrateur est un aviateur qui, Ă  la suite d'une panne de moteur, a dĂ» se poser en catastrophe dans le dĂ©sert du Sahara et tente seul de rĂ©parer son avion (Antoine de Saint-ExupĂ©ry se met en scĂšne lui-mĂȘme dans son Ɠuvre). b) Le lendemain de son atterrissage forcĂ©, il est rĂ©veillĂ© par une petite voix qui lui demande : « S'il vous plaĂźt
 dessine-moi un mouton ! » c) TrĂšs surpris par cette apparition miraculeuse et incongrue, l'aviateur obĂ©it, mais aucun de ses moutons ne convient au petit prince. ExcĂ©dĂ©, le narrateur dessine la caisse du mouton : « Ça, c'est la caisse. Le mouton que tu veux est dedans ». Le petit prince s'en montre cette fois-ci satisfait et remarque que le mouton « s'est endormi ». d) Jour aprĂšs jour, le petit prince raconte son histoire au narrateur. Il vit sur une autre planĂšte, l'astĂ©roĂŻde B 612, « Ă  peine plus grande qu'une maison ». Son astĂ©roĂŻde avait Ă©tĂ© dĂ©couvert, en 1909, par un astronome oriental (turc) que personne n'avait pris au sĂ©rieux Ă  cause de ses vĂȘtements traditionnels. Refaisant sa confĂ©rence, en 1920, en costume et cravate aprĂšs une rĂ©forme dans son pays, il avait cette fois-ci Ă©tĂ© longuement applaudi. e) Les activitĂ©s du petit prince consistent essentiellement Ă  ramoner les volcans et Ă  arracher les baobabs pour qu'ils n'envahissent pas sa planĂšte. Une aquarelle pleine page montre une planĂšte rendue inutilisable par trois baobabs qu'on a trop attendu pour arracher. L'auteur indique que si ce dessin est effrayant c'est qu'il Ă©tait « animĂ© par le sentiment de l'urgence » en le dessinant. S'il s'agit des trois forces de l'Axe, la symbolique de la vigilance envers les baobabs et volcans Ă  surveiller « mĂȘme Ă©teints » devient un message fort clair.
  • The Little Prince 2019 Wall Calendar

    Antoine de Saint-Exupery Estate

    Calendar (Universe Publishing, Aug. 21, 2018)
    In celebration of Antoine de Saint-Exupéry's masterpiece, The Little Prince 2019 Wall Calendar features the art and wisdom from one of the most beloved books in the world.The story of an aviator who crashes his plane into the middle of the Saharan desert and meets a young extraterrestrial prince who has fallen to Earth, The Little Prince is also a tender fable of friendship and loneliness, love and loss. Sure to capture the hearts and imaginations of the entire family, The Little Prince 2019 Wall Calendar is the perfect showcase for Saint-Exupéry's beautiful illustrations of cherished characters, including the clever fox, the proud rose, and of course, the Little Prince himself, as well as quotes from the book.
  • The Little Prince: 30 Deluxe Postcards

    Antoine De Saint Exupéry

    Card Book (Cernunnos, Oct. 25, 2016)
    This beautiful box contains 30 collectible, frameable, and mailable large deluxe postcards. 30 iconic drawings and unforgettable quotes help you rediscover the beauty and the philosophy of the worldwide masterpiece.
  • El Principito

    Antoine De Saint-Exupéry

    Audio CD (Audiomol and Blackstone Audio, Aug. 8, 2017)
    [Leido por Borja Rodriguez]El clåsico de la literatura infantil de Antoine de Saint-Exupéry vuelve a deleitar a los niños de todo el mundo en esta reedición de El prinicpito. El principito habita un pequenisimo asteroide, que comparte con una flor caprichosa y tres volcanes. Pero tiene ''problemas'' con la flor y empieza a experimentar las soledad. Hasta que decide abandonar el planeta en busca de un amigo. Buscando esa amistad recorre varios planetas, habitados sucesivamente por un rey, un vanidoso, un borracho, un hombre de negocios, un farolero, un geografo ... El concepto de ''seriedad'' que tienen estas ''personas mayores'' le deja perplejo y confuso. Prosiguiendo su busqueda llega al planeta Tierra, pero, en su enorme extension y vaciedad, siente mas que nunca la soledad. Una serpiente le da su version pesimista sobre los hombres y lo poco que se puede esperar de ellos. Tampoco el zorro contribuye a mejorar su opinion, pero en cambio le ensena el modo de hacerse amigos: hay que crear lazos, hay que dejarse ''domesticar.'' Y al final le regala su secreto: ''Solo se ve bien con el corazon. Lo esencial es invisible a los ojos.'' De pronto el principito se da cuenta de que su flor le ha ''domesticado'' y decide regresar a su planeta valiendose de los medios expeditivos que le ofrece la serpiente. Y es entonces cuando entra en contacto con el aviador, tambien el hombre habra encontrado un amigo...
  • The Little Prince

    Antoine De Saint-Exupery

    Print on Demand (Paperback) (Important Books, )
    This wonderful book includes not only the beloved and deep story of The Little Prince, but Antoine de Saint-Exupery's best quotes and the prayer. Enjoy reading! In one of his letters Antoine de Saint-Exupery wrote once: “In eternity I will be asked how I’ve used my talent, what I’ve done for human beings
” If you have read this book, perhaps that means the Little Prince has tamed you, too, that he’s become the child living in your heart, too, who helps you to repent, to purify yourself again and again. Perhaps you have revealed, too, that the spiritual ties are the strongest, that sometimes it is simply enough to take care of a flower to be happy
 In the novel of “The Little Prince”, in this cozy treasury of universal and spiritual values, we find the real beauty and truth, so simple and concealed at the same time. And we realize deep in our soul what this child’s mission was
 We see a child who could make water flow in the desert, who loved and devoted himself to all with his entire soul, who understood the language of heart and who knew the spiritual things. Saint-Exupery carried his Little Prince with him through all his life, never let him alone at any crossroads of life and lived as the Little Prince did, being ready to give his life for a friend, never placing body higher than soul, loving his homeland, remaining child in soul and dreaming, falling and flying
 “The Captain of Birds” was free-minded, indeed. And he flew for the last time, made a slit into the white clouds by his airplane and hovered to the sparkling stars, to the promising unknown
 I don’t think Saint-Ex will be asked many questions in eternity: it is sufficient to see all the hearts he poured with warmness and reminded the art of loving

  • The Little Prince: 25th Anniversary Gift Boxed Edition

    Antoine de Saint Exupéry

    Hardcover (Harcourt Brace Jovanovich, Jan. 1, 1971)
    An aviator whose plane is forced down in the Sahara Desert encounters a little man from a small planet who describes his adventures in the universe seeking the secret of what is really important in life.
  • The Little Prince

    Antoine De Saint-exupery, Richard Howard

    Hardcover (Everyman's Library, Sept. 1, 2020)
    A beautiful hardcover edition of one of the bestselling classic children's stories in the world--long cherished by children and adults alike.Written during World War II, The Little Prince tells of the friendship between the narrator, an aviator stranded in the Sahara desert, and a mysterious boy he encounters there. Ruler of a tiny asteroid of which he is the only inhabitant, the Little Prince chats disarmingly about his curious adventures in space and since arriving on earth; of his distant home; and of his love for a beautiful and capricious rose, to whom he longs to return. A moving and deceptively simple tale, it was described by Antoine de Saint-Exupéry as a children's story for adults, and it works on several levels as an allegory of his own life and of the human condition. Children love it for its deadpan fantasy, for its sense of baffled amusement at the grown-up world, and for the author's whimsical watercolour illustrations, which are an integral part of the book.